A day in the life at Mr Jones Watches

Nov 16, 2020

Have you ever wondered what a day looks like in our small business?

From printing, assembling, and packing our watches to plenty of cups of tea and playing with office sausage dog Stanley, no two days are ever the same. 

Despite the challenges that 2020 has thrown at us, it has been a very busy year for Mr Jones Watches. We have moved workshops, grown our team and continued to create our unique watches (both new and old). 

The Workshop 

To make social distancing easier, our team are currently working between our new and old workshop. The new workshop is located in Forest Hill and has been under renovation for most of this year.

New workshop

We hope to all be moved over to the next workshop next year, it will be nice to be all working in the same place.

But for now, we're relying on technology to help us all communicate. The different teams are in constant contact with each other with the help of phone calls, video chats and slack.

London workshop Every Monday we begin the week with a big meeting (held over video call at the moment due to the teams being in different locations) in this meeting we discuss new watches, stock levels, and any shop or workshop changes. 

For you to get to know what life is like at Mr Jones Watches a bit better, we want to give you an overview of the whole team’s routine.

Beginning with our founder and director Crispin Jones. Normally Crispin focuses on the organisation of new designs, our vintage watch collection and communication with artists. But in the last few months Crispin has been concentrating on the workshop move. 

Crispin Jones founder and director of Mr Jones Watches in the London workshop

Crispin is also just the general manager of the business, so he has to clear any big decisions we are making. 

Of course Stanley follows Crispin everywhere throughout the day and assists with his tasks. 

Sausage dog and chaos window watch

The Printing Team 

The printing team consists of Paul and Ellen, they are the creative people in charge of making all the watch designs come to life. 

Paul Wardski print artist and technician at Mr Jones Watches

With being such a small team of only two people, they focus on doing one specific print at a time in a large batch to speed up the process. 

The Assembly Team 

Each of the assembly team spends their day concentrating on very fiddly tasks with very small components, they all have jewellery making backgrounds as it’s important they are very patient and good with their hands. Watchmaker in London workshop

Elena is our production manager and she makes sure all of our watches are in stock, she also manages the team members in the watchmaking side of Mr Jones Watches. 

When Stanley isn’t following Crispin about, you can find him on Elena’s lap ( She’s his favourite) or barking at the postman. 

Elena and Stanley at Mr Jones Watches, London watchmaking workshop

Each person from the assembly team will work on a different watch at a time, focusing on a specific part of the watch. Again this is because we are a small team so need to save as much time as possible. 

The shop and admin team 

Ellie and Nell are the most organised people of the whole team, handing all the administration and making sure Mr Jones Watches is running smoothly.

Nell at Mr Jones Watches in London

Making sure all the customers are happy, Ellie and Nell answer the customer service emails, pack up your orders and send the watches out to you.

They also coordinate our wholesale orders and speak to watch shops that supply our watches.

As well as the digital side of the job, they do put the straps on the watches, do the case-back engravings and ensure the workshop is as neat as possible 

Ellie at Mr Jones Watches

Want to know more about specific members of the team? Check out our meet the team blog posts with Elena, Paul and Natalie.