How we assemble our watches

Mar 31, 2021

Have you ever wondered how your watches are made? 

This year we started a new YouTube series: “In conversation with Crispin Jones” where we show you different elements of our watchmaking process. 

This week we sat down with our Assembly Technician Natalie, Crispin, and of course, Stanley to discuss the assembly process. Natalie showed us how she assembles one of our most popular watches, A perfectly useless afternoon. 

After the components are printed, they are ready to be assembled which is all done by hand in our London workshop.

Many of our designs use a clear disc instead of watch hands meaning attention to detail is essential. 

 A perfectly useless afternoon discs

Our assembly technicians spend a lot of time ensuring the discs and dials are completely dust free to ensure the illusion of transparency is perfect. 

 Removing dust from the dial

The components are assembled in a specific order, the hour discs goes first followed by the minute disc ensuring the hour disc is perfectly aligned.

These components are then ready to be placed carefully inside the watch case. 

 Watch assembly

The watches are then set to time and tested to ensure they are in full working order. Due to all our watches being different, it makes for an interesting process for our assembly technicians and no two days are ever the same!

 A perfectly useless afternoon

Be sure to check back next week where we will be explaining and showing the quality control process for our watches.