Everything you need to know to cope with the clocks changing

Mar 21, 2023

We’re here to remind you that the clocks are changing on Sunday, so when it comes to Monday morning, you won’t be late! 

The clocks going forward can be good news to some as it means the start of longer summer days, but for others, getting over that initial groggy feeling of losing an hour in bed is quite the hurdle. 

There’s no need to worry though, we’re on hand with our best tips on how to cope with the clocks going forward this week.

How should I prepare for the clocks going forward? 

  • Stick to a routine - In the weeks leading up to the clocks going forward, stick to your weekday sleep schedule as close as possible, your future-self will thank you for it.
  • Stagger your bedtime -  Either go to bed 30 minutes before your bedtime or stagger the time you go to bed by 15 minutes in the week leading up to the clocks going forward. For instance, if you go to bed at 11pm, start by going to bed at 10.45pm and then 10.30pm the next evening etc. 
  • Avoid screens -  Instead of scrolling on your smartphone or tablets, try reading a book at bedtime to help you unwind. 
  • Be prepared - Change your clocks and watches forward the night before to avoid any unnecessary confusion. You don’t have to worry about your smartphones or tablets however as they will change automatically if connected to the internet via WiFi or 5G.

When do the clock go forward?

The clocks go forward on Sunday 26th March at 1am, which officially marks the start of British Summer Time (BST).  

 Why do the clocks change? 

The clocks change twice a year (once in March and once in October) to take advantage of daylight hours. 

British Summer Time has been around for over a century, with builder William Willett being the brains behind the Summer Time Act in 1916. 

As a keen golfer, Willett came up with the idea so he could play golf for longer in the spring and summer months. It wasn’t until a year after his death when it was introduced to the UK.

Austria and Germany were next to adopt daylight saving time. Nowadays many European countries change their clocks in the summer and winter.

Our ethos has always been to look at time differently to make the most of the time we have, so we hope we have helped in getting you ready for the clocks going forward.